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Feature Friday: Instituto MediterrĂ¡neo Sol - iNMSOL

Published Lynne on Friday, November 24, 2023 2:00 PM

Feature Friday: Instituto MediterrĂ¡neo Sol - iNMSOL

Today’s Feature Friday post focuses on Instituto Mediterráneo Sol - iNMSOL:

Can you give us 3 adjectives that describe your school?

Sure! Experienced, reliable, and welcoming.

Where do your students come from? 

Anywhere around the globe! In the last 12 months, we have received students from Norway, Italy, the US, Morocco, Singapore, Germany, etc.

Which is your most popular course and what do your students like most about your school? 

Our 'best seller' is the intensive Spanish course of 20 lessons per week. This course covers grammar and conversation/vocabulary, so it is the best way to take advantage of the immersion and the stay in our city. Our students are delighted with our teachers! They find them very approachable and well-qualified. 



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